[lugm.org] Local reseller

Jochen Kirstätter lugm at ios.mu
Tue May 18 11:16:40 UTC 2010

Dear Shaan,

interesting aspect but based on the fact that there are no meeting
annoucements at all. And even if there were, they were very confusing
during the last year, I doubt that there will be any more interest based
on the numerous post-pones.

> The problem is that there isn't enough participation(at least since
> the last few months). Last time less than 10 members were present.
> Preparing presentations does take time and you don't want to waste
> that time if you're going to present it to only 2-3 persons.

Second, is it necessary that there are sessions at all during a meeting?
Actually, I thought that is more a less a monthly gathering to share
some thoughts, discuss some Linux related topics and see what's going on
here in Mauritius. I did not know that the LUGM meetings are supposed to
be free teaching/learning meetings. But maybe I am just wrong in this case.

Back in February, there was the conversation here on the ML about
InstallFest... What's the status? No interest? Or born dead based on
problems were there are no problems?
Recently, there was a huge chance in combination with the Long-Term
Service (LTS) release of Ubuntu 10.04 on 29th April... But sorry to say,
I could not see anything of LUGM, not even an article on the blog. Guess
it was less important than the elections.

Personally, I have to confess that I only attended once but this is
mainly based on the fact that since then there was no fixed appointment
anymore on which I could rely to come and join a meeting.

Since the begin of my interest in LUGM (back in early 2007) I can
somehow see this scenario:

A main motivator does not exist, and therefore nothing is going to
happen anymore.

Maybe this statement is quite hard to digest (and slightly unfair) but
please, guys, open your eyes and reflect on the situation of LUGM and
the image it would like to represent here in Mauritius.

To my opinion the LUGM should be a general first contact for interested
people in Linux, offer the possibility to meet other "geeks" and
exchange experiences and ideas. LUGM should not be a Linux
learning/consulting/supporting address, leave this to professional

Any reader should not take the above written personal, it's just my
thoughts and opinions on LUGM.

Kind regards.

A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?

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